The background story of this project is pretty interesting as it was originally an idea I wasn’t planning to develop on my own as other services out-there such as Mailchimp or Litmus allows you to make similar things. However, due to many constraints and an big amount of time spend building banners for the marketing team at Skoove, I decided to create my own email banner editor.
Following specific company guidelines and email creation principles, I build an interface allowing you to create an email banner from your browser. This had the benefit to leave marketer and designer what they do best, and so, independently. Marketer can try out as many headlines and copies that they want. On the other hand, I was sure that the company design rules were consistent. This tool allowed us to highly increase our efficiency in the creation and reviewing process.
The technology behind is simply HTML/CSS for the front-end part (with a little bit of Javascript). Then the interactive/auto-save part is based in php and mysql to ensure that datas are saved on user inputs. However, be aware that being at two or more on the same document will not synchronise everyone.