Welcome to my portfolio

I’m Adrien, a Product designer in the digital industry with over 5 years of experience. Based in Brussels, I will help you to create and enhance your application or software user experience for an international audience.


Crafting digital products that people feel themselves into

The most sustainable way of building a digital product is always to stay aware of what people really wants and expects.

This is why being close to the end-users to grasps meaningful  inputs is key to success.

More projects

Find most of the projects I’ve done and contributed in digital creations over the years.

Here attached to this page, you will find some mockups illustrating multiple pages that were rebrand…

This data-visualisation project consists in visualising all the design…

Eleate is a company partner with the french sport federation to equip …

The latest from the blog

After working at Skoove for quite some time, and seeing how …

When crafting logic paths without clear guidelines to follow, it is …

Yes! Like a Ferris wheel in an amusement park, HTML5 / …

Easy steps to follow

Mattis tortor dolor vitae congue purus imperdiet aliquam ultrices nunc.

Guaranteed result

Mauris in nibh purus magnis eget dui adipiscing eget ligula vitae.

Clear audio & video

Eu quis etiam auctor aenean nisl ut odio ultricies massa orci mauris.