SEO optimisation for Le Grand Duc decoration

M. Collet being the owner of Le Grand Duc hostel was also an artist. He always gave a lot of attention to the art and his hostel decoration, and so, by giving his own touch to it. Following his experience in design, he launched a website to sell creations that he made, renovated or found in second hand markets. About a year after the release of the website, he managed to sell a few pieces but wished to spread his vintage objects though larger audience in the North of France.

Following these requirements, I was asked to find a way to improve the rank of the website that was barely visible at that time. After further analysis and ideation to bring the website to the next level, I got into action and put the ideas into practice. I won’t detail everything here but my main pieces of work were based on organic SEO improvements that could bring the most impact:

  1. Page loading time significantly reduced
  2. Refine semantic of the HTML and the metas to highlight certain words in a better way
  3. Increase the number of important keywords through the most relevant pages

After each action points covered and implemented on the website, we had to wait about a months to see outstanding results. Here below are screenshots from the result we had. The website was at the second position for the desired keywords: decorator, vintage and north region. Until this very day and for 5 years the position remains unchanged.