Initially, Skoove was a list of courses organised by levels. Similar to a learning book, the further you go along with the book, the most complex the courses become. However, as you know, new technologies allows to give more complexity and dynamism to content depending on desired conditions. An analogy here would be Netflix that adapts the content following the series and movies you watched. In the Skoove case, the user is guided depending on his level and the progress previously made in the lessons or songs he/she played.
This concept covered the content hierarchy on the dashboard depending the level, but also the progress through one lesson between the different steps. This sub-granularity of the content had to be visualised and understood by the students to follow and have control over the achievements made.
In addition to what is happening outside the core learning experience, we added interactive elements inside of the trainer to guide the players. Overall, the main goals of these features were to give more signifiers to the users on his progress and more guidance as a real piano teacher would.