Kenora logo animation
Following along other creations made at La Room Studio, a documentary production ask us to create a short visual snippet to highlight the brand at the beginning of their movies.
Following along other creations made at La Room Studio, a documentary production ask us to create a short visual snippet to highlight the brand at the beginning of their movies.
During my 3rd year of study I had the chance to work for La Room Studio. In this company, I developed my knowledges in AfterEffect and particularly through the creation of short branding or promotional videos for a WebTV called RTV. This esoteric channel was directed by Claude Alexis and supported in post-production by La …
This data-visualisation project consists in visualising all the design actors throughout the world, thanks to the twitter flow (API). The principle is extremely simple, it consists of retrieving all the live tweets related to the word “design”. Once the tweet has been published, a program gives the position (latitude and longitude) and they are displayed …
The town of Le Pin located in Seine et Marne called on me to redesign their website. Previously, one of the councillors of this municipality had been in charge of it, however, not having any notion of web design, the global aspect was not very attractive. In order to create this site, I first had …
As part of my degree, the “Stick it” project was aiming to combine art, technology and human interaction. The medium on which we had to develop our installation was the Kinect and Processing. OpenSource libraries exist and can be installed on Processing in order to access the information coming from the Kinect infrared camera. From …
Futuristic re-adaptation of the three little pigs tale, made during my bachelor in multimedia creation. This project was designed by Yohann Caillon and myself. The graphic elements were drawn on Illustrator and all the animation with AfterEffect. In addition, the sound effects were entirely recorded in house, in order to correspond as well as possible …
In a similar way than Sebastien Barrio, Stephane Roux got in contact with me when I was working for “La Room Studio” and was interested to create a mashup video showcasing his best actor moments in cinema.
I met Sebastien when I was working as an intern for La Room Studio. After a few meet-ups we got closer and he proposed me to prepare a demo video that showcase his most famous scenes. We then prepared the content and which order would be the most meaningful for the overall sequence. Then I …
Short animation produced in the frame of my bachelor in multimedia and numeric creations. This video made in AfterEffect is mixing animation of shapes, pictures and masks in a universe where Pacman is the god of destruction.
Small animation produced during my studies around the theme of horror and suspens. All created in Adobe AfterEffect, this short scene represent a calm water where small mutant fishes (inspired from the Simpsons) swim peacefully, but suddenly …